Movement Wisdom Quiz for Midlifers


How well do you know yourself?

If you were to describe your movement life, what would you say?  

We tend to think about movement in terms of our physical fitness and the activities we do to stay fit.  The media, medical professionals, and fitness trainers tend to focus on our fitness activities as important for our health and wellness.  In this story of fitness and health, if we stay active, we will be fit and we will live healthy, long lives.

I agree with the story of movement that includes moving every day to have a wonderful movement life 


What if that is only part of the story?   

What if the number of minutes of physical activity each week is not an accurate predictor of the length of your healthspan (the years that you live feeling vitality and wellness and the confidence to move freely). 


What else is important to predict the next ten years of your movement life?  Will you age well?  Do you know?

It is not only what you do when you move, but also how you move and how you relate to movement.  It is not just what you do but also how you do you when you move. 

Take this quiz to discover more about your movement habits and how your habits today will shape the kind of movement life you have in the future. 

Based on your answers, you will receive wise movement guidance on how to cultivate habits that will support you to move freely, with wisdom throughout your lifespan. 


Who am I?

Hi, I am Cheryl, a functional movement specialist who supports clients to move freely, with ease across their whole lifespan.  I help my clients discover movement habits that get in the way of their movement goals and support them to learn new movement habits that open up possibilities that seem impossible.  As a certified Feldenkrais practitioner and Integral Master Coach ™, I support my clients to write a different ending to the story of their movement life, to move more freely, with less pain and limitations at every age.